Concierge services are becoming the new paradigm in the hospitality industry. Hospitality establishments offer concierge services to achieve new milestones in fulfilling the needs for a personalized experience for their customers. Businesses in the hospitality industry are conceptualizing their offerings in the framework of linking security and protection with prestige and individual attention under the notion of human relationships.

If you are in the hotel or event management business, providing a comprehensive and responsive concierge service is essential to maintain your standards. However, it is not always easy to bring a concierge team that is apt and experienced with handling guests with protection and care at the same time. One way to develop a concierge team is to hire a new workforce outright to work as the face of your business. Another way is to outsource concierge services and security from some reputable source. This approach is more reliable as it provides you will professional staff with thorough experience and training in providing concierge services to your valuable guests. Let’s have a look at how you can sustain pleased guests by achieving benefits from hiring a concierge team.

Prompt Security

Hiring concierge services provide you instant support in terms of security and patrol. Apart from becoming your initial point of contact, they also monitor your CCTV system and act as the first line of defense in case of any untoward occurrence. By outsourcing concierge services for your business, you will have a team of trained professionals with the right kind of skill set to diffuse and tackle risk-containing situations. They function as your defense force that keeps vigilant of the premises and surroundings which means you have complete peace of mind and fewer worries about potential criminal situations.

Satisfied Guests/Customers

Outsourcing concierge services ensure relief and security for your guests by being the front of operations. Having a concierge staff member welcome your guests gives your guests an instant feeling of relief and trust. The front of the house experts also acts as first responders as they answer the queries and concerns of guests and visitors. The concierge services are specially trained to leave no stone unturned in ensuring the protection of your guests and attend to potential threats and accidents by arranging emergency procedures. Your guests feel happier and satisfied in the presence of concierge services as they act as instant help and a reliable source of information. They know that the key to keeping guests happy is ensuring full protection of your guests and providing answers to their inquiries.


Having a concierge staff as part of your hospitality team helps you retain your customers and consequently boost your business. It also saves a lot of cost in terms of preventing mishaps and situations with costly results. Outsourcing concierge services comes with its benefits in cost-saving too. First, you’ll only have to pay for the services you are using. Second, you pay for the staff only as and when you need them while saving huge amounts that you could otherwise incur on hiring and training. Third, you don’t have to pay employee benefits and perks other than the flat fee you have to pay to the concierge services company. All these cost-saving benefits have an additional bonus in the form of highly competitive and trained staff. Lastly, competitive and trained staff translates into happy clientele in business language.

Reliable Staff

Hiring a concierge staff requires a lot of background checks to know that you are hiring the staff that has a clean background and is legally allowed to work in specific areas. This job of vetting and training comes with a lot of hassle and risks of negligence as a little negligence can cause you huge loss in terms of litigations. Finding legally and emotionally reliable staff for concierge services is a time-consuming job hence it is always worth taking help from an outside source. The more reliable and trained your staff is, the happier your guests leave wishing to return soon.


Businesses in the hospitality industry to consider hiring concierge services to ensure their guests leave with a happy and satisfying experience and a sense of security. A happy guest will look forward to paying frequent visits to your business to revive the feeling of happiness they have had experienced with you before. However, hiring training staff for concierge services is a very time-consuming job and costly with a lot of hassle. On contrary, it is much easier to hire concierge services from an outsourcing company where competence and training are guaranteed at a reasonable price. Syndicate Alpha is a highly reliable and perfect option in this regard.

To ensure your guests have a happy and comfortable experience, Syndicate Alpha offers regular and bespoke concierge services for your hotels, events, and gatherings. Syndicate Alpha takes pleasure in providing you with highly trained and friendly concierge staff to support you in looking after the front of your operations, and more importantly your guests’ security.